The Hospice remembers James Wardrop


The Hospice remembers James Wardrop

All of the staff and volunteers at ACCORD were deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Jim Wardrop. Jim (or James as he preferred to be called in his later years) was a former Chairman and a lifelong supporter of ACCORD. He was a unique and lovely individual, always immaculate and one of life’s

All of the staff and volunteers at ACCORD were deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Jim Wardrop. Jim (or James as he preferred to be called in his later years) was a former Chairman and a lifelong supporter of ACCORD. He was a unique and lovely individual, always immaculate and one of life’s true gentlemen.

During his time at the hospice, he always made time to speak to our staff, volunteers and patients. He had a very wry sense of humour and could be relied upon not only to leave a smile on the face of anyone to whom he spoke but also a lasting impression. He was an extremely kind-hearted and generous person and often made time to visit our Inpatient Unit to speak to patients, staff and family members, even on a Christmas Day!

Although he had an imposing stature he had the supreme gift of always making people feel at ease in his company. Jim was also an Honorary President of ACCORD, a position we don’t bestow lightly, which was our fitting recognition of man who we can all say, hand on heart, left a significant mark on all of our lives and will be sadly missed but very fondly remembered.