
Ideas & Inspiration

No matter how big or small the event or challenge you are taking on is, you will be making a huge difference to people in ACCORD's care – and we think that is pretty awesome!

Fundraise for ACCORD

Fundraising is a fantastic way to get involved.

Without the wonderful support of our amazing fundraisers, patients and families would not benefit from the vital care and support they find comfort in.

So come on, join the team, get involved and make a difference!

A few ideas from the Fundraising Team to get you thinking!

The Fundraising team are here to help!

Tell us your idea

Getting Started

  • Set yourself a challenge or host a virtual event
  • Set up a fundraising page with JustGiving and raise as much money as you can
  • We’ll be in touch with all the help and advice you need to make your event as successful as possible
  • For any questions contact the team on

Sharing your story

When your event is complete, please send us photo's and videos and don’t forget to share with us via FacebookTwitter and Instagram

If you would like to talk to the newspapers about your story, please get in touch

To fill out your own press release to send to the newspaper, please see Press Release template for suggestions.

Without the wonderful support of our amazing fundraisers, patients and families would not benefit from the vital care and support they find comfort in. 

So come on, join the team, get involved and make a difference!  

 Donations change lives

Donations change lives

Amazing people like you help us support those who need it most. “Everyone has been so generous, and the final total raised is testament to how adored my mum was at ACCORD hospice”

Make a donation