Extension for Community Health Outcomes (ECHO) is a collaborative model of education developed by The University of New Mexico and is now used worldwide and by over 40 hospices in the UK.
We use ECHO to widen access to palliative care knowledge and skills by supporting health and social care professionals who deliver palliative care in settings other than in a hospice.
ECHO's methodology is based on values of inclusion, collaboration and participation.

Communities of Practice
ECHO Networks create Communities of Practice, where people who are passionate about providing skilled palliative and end of life care meet regularly to learn how to do it better.
At these virtual meetings we share knowledge and support each other in the experience of caring for people and their families in the last stages of their lives.
Wider Access to Palliative Care
People need skilled palliative care wherever they live. However, there is a lack of people with palliative and end of life care knowledge and skills to support everyone who needs care. The ECHO model allows the Hospice to support health and social care professionals in all community settings.
This is vital as more people will need skilled care at the end of their lives due to complex health needs. A wide range of community and acute NHS professionals have been a part our ECHO networks along with colleagues from ACCORD.
Benefits of Joining an ECHO Network
Builds relationships and communities of practice Learning needs decided by participants Practise-based learning from real situations Safe space for reflection Sharing of knowledge and good practice Development of new skills and knowledge

Previous Echo Programmes
During 2021 we have developed a network with all six hospices within NHS GGC area to discuss Medicine Management and have recently completed a programme with colleagues from the Intensive Care Unit at the Royal Alexandria Hospital in Paisley. A summary of the evaluations can be found here.
Future Programmes
A calendar of future events can be found within the main learning and development section of the web however if you or your organisation would like to know more about ECHO® or would be interested in developing a programme with us then please do get in touch –
Participation / Registration
All participants in ECHO must complete a Registration and Data Sharing Agreement Form This form will collect your personal data and you will find details about why, where and how your data will be stored securely.

Donations change lives
Amazing people like you help us support those who need it most. “Everyone has been so generous, and the final total raised is testament to how adored my mum was at ACCORD hospice”