Desert Island Discs


Desert Island Discs

We currently have a 3rd year Occupational Therapy student at the Hospice on a 10 week work placement. We asked him to write a short piece on a project  he has been working on with our patients based on the radio programme, Desert Island Discs.  Here it is Hello everyone! I’m Pete; a student Occupational

We currently have a 3rd year Occupational Therapy student at the Hospice on a 10 week work placement. We asked him to write a short piece on a project  he has been working on with our patients based on the radio programme, Desert Island Discs.  Here it is

Hello evpeter-ot-studenteryone!

I’m Pete; a student Occupational Therapist from Glasgow Caledonian University. I am spending 10 weeks at ACCORD for my third-year placement.

Having no previous experience in Palliative Care, I have learned so much from the remarkable team working here and the patients we look after. Occupational Therapy aims to enable people to maximise their independence in everyday tasks and empower them through use of meaningful activity and adaptation.

While at the hospice, I have worked on a project in the Day Therapy Unit called ‘Desert Island Discs’. I have collaborated with patients in gathering their 10 “songs for life”. We play through these songs and discuss the personal importance and meaning behind each one. I type this up and create a visual for the patient and for display in the hospice, as well as a compilation CD of these songs for them to take home and share with others. This activity facilitates positive affirmation and enables life story discussion.

“It was lovely to reminisce about good times. Music is so powerful for that. The CD is great.” – DTU patient