
21st Annual Carlton YM Dinner supports ACCORD

Sporting Dinner's 21st year of supporting ACCORD

The Carlton YM Sporting Dinner, a highly anticipated annual event, recently took place in support of ACCORD Hospice, raising an impressive sum of over £6,000 for the charity – with £3,000 from last year’s event and £3,000 this year. The event brought together sports enthusiasts, community members, and generous sponsors for an evening of entertainment, great food, and fundraising.

The Carlton YM Sporting Dinner, has become a staple in the local community, known for its commitment to supporting charitable causes. The evening was filled with excitement as attendees enjoyed a delightful dinner, engaging conversations, and captivating speeches and memories from sporting moments in years gone past. The event also featured a range of fundraising activities, all contributing to the remarkable total of over £6000 raised for ACCORD Hospice.

The funds raised during the Carlton YM Sporting Dinner will play a vital role in supporting ACCORD Hospice's ongoing efforts to provide compassionate care and support to patients and their families. The organisation offers a wide range of services, including inpatient care, outpatient clinics, day services, and bereavement support, all delivered by a team of dedicated professionals and volunteers.

Gordon Anderson, Event Organiser and YM Sporting Dinner Committee Member, expressed his gratitude for the overwhelming support received. He said, “Carlton YMCA held their 21st Annual Sportsman’s Dinner back in early March the SMISA Stadium (New St Mirren Park). Around 160 people attended this fundraising event, the beneficiaries being Accord Hospice and Carlton YMCA. All guests were presented with a three-course meal, raffles, bingo, auction and entertainment from invited guest speakers John McKelvie, Bill Copeland & Tam Cowan. Also in attendance was Mrs Margaret Douglas, wife of the late Stewart Douglas (Carlton YMCA founder). A wonderful evening was had by all, and Carlton YMCA are delighted to pass a cheque over to Accord Hospice, through David McFadden who is the Fundraising & Communications Manager at the Hospice, for £6,000 to aid their fundraising (This includes £3,000 from previous year).

Over the last 21 years nearly £70,000 has been raised for the Hospice through this annual event. Carlton YMCA have joined forces with Glenvale and are now known as Glenvale Carlton AFC and play amateur football in The Scottish Premier Amateur Football Association.”

ACCORD Hospice extends its sincere appreciation to the Carlton YM Sporting Dinner organisers, sponsors, and attendees for their incredible generosity and commitment to making a positive impact. The funds raised will directly contribute to the provision of essential care and support services for individuals and families facing life-limiting illnesses in the community.

Thank you Carlton YM and newly foremed Glenvale Carlton AFC!