
Malcolm Group raised £250k for Scottish Charties

Hundreds of people helped to raise £250,000 in the Donald Malcolm Heritage Centre in December for three Glasgow charities - Beatson Cancer Charity, Accord Hospice and St Vincent’s Hospice.
The Donald Malcolm Memorial Ball, which celebrated the launch of the 100th anniversary of WH Malcolm, was hosted by Nicola Malcolm, granddaughter of Donald Malcolm. Nicola started hosting the bi-annual Ball in 2014 in memory of her Grandpa after he passed away following his cancer diagnosis in 2003.

£190,000 of the money fundraised has been donated to Beatson Cancer Charity.
Martin Cawley, CEO of Beatson Cancer Charity, said: “We are so grateful to the Malcolm family for donating an incredible £190,000 to our charity.

“This amount of money is nothing short of outstanding and will have a significant impact on the services we are able to develop and provide to cancer patients and their families.
“It will also allow us to contribute to specific research projects within the hospital which have lifechanging benefits.

“We cannot thank the Malcolm family enough for their continued support.”
Renowned Glasgow Artist Gerard Burns helped to raise a phenomenal £84,000 at the Malcolm Ball by auctioning two personal art commissions. He also donated a further painting to the silent auction which raised £1,500.

St Vincent’s Hospice and Accord Hospice each received £30,000 of the total raised on the night.
Kirsteen Murray, CEO of St Vincent’s Hospice, said: “In addition to any public funding that the hospice receives, every year we have to raise over £1.5M towards our running costs.

“This isn’t about “extras”, it’s about finding over £1.5 M every single year just to pay for basic costs such as nurses salaries, and electricity and gas, so that our hospice can be there when people in Renfrewshire and Ayrshire need us most - after the devastating news of a terminal diagnosis.

“Major gifts like this help so much towards us reaching our target. Therefore on behalf of all of the patients and families whose future care has been enabled by the generous contributions made at the Malcolm Ball we are truly grateful for this important donation to St Vincent’s hospice, and also for the tireless work of Malcolm’s in making it all possible”.

Jacki Smart, CEO of Accord Hospice, said: “The Malcolm Group’s drive to support the three charities involved in the Donald Malcolm Memorial Ball was incredible, that’s what brought the event to have its most successful year ever!

“We were absolutely grateful to be chosen for support – after the final counts the event had raised so much more than anticipated and ACCORD received £30,000. This money raised was simply staggering.

“Creating and planning this event during a global pandemic, keeping people safe and still hosting such a magnificent event proves how much the three causes meant to everyone involved.

“The funds from the event being spent directly on the Hospices new ‘ACCORD @ Home’ Service which provides palliative and end of life care in the comfort of people’s own homes or care home. A service which is much needed and appreciated.’’

Event Organiser, Nicola Malcolm said: “The support was absolutely incredible at the event. I never thought when I initially suggested to Dad the idea of a ball in memory of Grandpa back in December 2013 that it would turn into such a big event. Thank you so much to all who attended and helped to raise an amazing £250,000 for the chosen charities.”
