
Angela's Mum supported by the Hospice

I think it is so important for people to know what an amazing place ACCORD Hospice is.


My Mum, Eileen, passed away on 25th May 2020, after being diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer on the 11th May, we had no idea. Mum was alone when she was given the devastating news and she remained alone in hospital until the 16th May, it was horrendous. 

Mum was home for a few days and after we had been up the whole night together, as she was struggling, I contacted the GP and they arranged for Mum to go to ACCORD. My Mum's Mum passed away there in 1998 and so it was all of our wishes for Mum to be there too. 

Mum being in the Hospice has been my saviour. To be with someone almost every day for almost 39 years; my Mum, my best friend.

Being in ACCORD meant that as a family we could be with Mum day and night. Mum and Dad married in 1974, their Wedding Anniversary was the day before Mum's funeral, 46 years married, soul mates. My Dad and Brother were there during the day and I spent every night with her. The staff looked after us all so well, so caring and compassionate. They also recognised the bond Mum and I had and gave us space to be alone, to laugh and to cry and just enjoy each other. That is why ACCORD has been my saviour.

The thought of Mum alone in hospital still haunts me but my heart is filled with so much love and thanks when I think of what the Hospice did for us.

On the day my Mum passed away, I had been there all night, I just had a feeling that it was going to happen and my darling Mum would be leaving us. The staff listened to me and were so understanding and respectful when I said I wasn't going home as I didn't want to leave Mum's side.

At 4.30pm, with Dad holding her hand and me with my arms around her, my Mum sadly left. We were devastated but so thankful that we had been in ACCORD; for everything they had done.

When I called the nurses in my Dad left and I took a moment to try and process what had happened. Again, the nurses were so supportive and I was offered counselling, which I started a couple of weeks later. Again, this is something I am so grateful for.

That's my story and why I cannot sing ACCORD’s praises enough. This is my way to give back. My Kiltwalk journey is nothing in comparison to what others face every day.

ACCORD Hospice, every single staff member went above and beyond, during a pandemic, to provide the care that was so desperately needed. I was able to be with my Mum, love her and support her when she needed me most, that was because of all at ACCORD.

I will be eternally grateful.

I think it is so important for people to know what an amazing place ACCORD Hospice is. That would sound strange to people, but it's peaceful and calming and you can feel the love within it.

I hope that others won't be in the same situation as us, although sadly I know some will, but I want them to know that if they are, ACCORD is there and the Hospice is nothing to fear, which I think many would. 

