Good governance matters because it underpins successful organisations.
It matters in all sectors, but especially in ours where the purpose is to serve our vulnerable beneficiaries as best we can.
Care and services must be of reliable high quality, finances must be obtained and spent with integrity and for the purposes agreed and we must protect our patients, staff and reputation. High quality takes years to build and seconds to destroy.
Good governance underpins our effectiveness, and is also the best way to protect and enhance our individual organisations and our sector as a whole.
Our Trustees give their time and skills on a voluntary basis to seek assurance on behalf of the people we serve and also to steer the organisation in the right direction. Individually as trustees and collectively as board and committees, they are the bastions of good governance in ACCORD.

Board of Directors

Dr Mike McKirdy

Dr Colin Reid
Vice Chairman
He is also medical advisor to the Kibble fostering service and to World Bowls. Colin joined the Board of Directors in 1996. He is currently Vice Chairman and also serves on the Finance and Governance Committee.

Brian Hunt
Hon. Treasurer

Laurna Woods

Christian (otherwise Kirsty) Dickson

Cathy MacGillivray

Louise Watson
She joined the Board of Directors in 2012 and also serves on the Clinical Governance, Management and Remuneration Committees

Brian Digby

John Drury

ACCORD Governance
ACCORD is proud of its governance structure and performance.
Our directors are appointed in line with our Articles of Association and are Trustees for the purposes of charity law. They comprise individuals with wide-ranging experience in business, legal and financial matters, healthcare and media and communications and media.
Our Board meets quarterly, usually in February, May, August and November. Our AGM is usually held in the summer.
Our Management Committee meets more frequently, usually 8 times per year.
Our Finance and Governance Sub-Committee meets quarterly, our Clinical Governance Sub-Committee meets three times per year and the Property and Remuneration sub-Committees meet on an “as required” basis.
Our Clinical Governance Committee has 4 further sub-Committees (Risk Management, Infection Control, Drugs and Therapeutics and Quality and Practice Development) all of which meet on a quarterly basis. We are delighted to retain a number of individuals external to ACCORD on these Committees.

Each year the Hospice submits our latest annual accounts to the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR)

Donations change lives
Amazing people like you help us support those who need it most. “Everyone has been so generous, and the final total raised is testament to how adored my mum was at ACCORD hospice”